The M12 Mirror Taximeter is supplied as the result of a partnership with Alberen Electronics. The product has been fully integrated into the Aquila range, and Aquila dealers benefit from the same programming software, online services and technical support as our other products.
Calendar Controlled or Manual Tariffs
In common with the other Aquila taximeter products, the M12 can be programmed by your dealer to handle any combination of time, distance and fares. It can automatically select the correct rate to charge, or it can be completely manual, so that you choose the tariff you want to charge. It also supports complex combinations of calendar and manual structures. Ask your dealer for details.
Approved and Compliant
The M12 is CE/M marked to show it complies with the requirements of the Measuring Instruments Directive. To achieve this, the taximeter has been tested for compliance with the standards, and the manufacturer is regularly assessed to ensure ongoing compliance.
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